Screw B-Trees, the most unfair interview questions are anything that involves the JavaScript Date standard library.
Screw B-Trees, the most unfair interview questions are anything that involves the JavaScript Date standard library.
A few years ago my wife bought me a Kindle for my birthday, and I converted all my reading to the Kindle. I love the e-ink screen. But the feature that I’ve grown to rely on is the highlighting.
I’ve never really been a highlight-while-reading person. In university it always shocked me to see people tarnishing the pages of their incredibly expensive textbooks with brilliant yellow highlights. But, of course, highlights made on a Kindle are digital and sync their way up into the Amazon cloud. The highlights are downloadable, storable, and are a great starting place for notes.
To this, I’ve…
Continue Reading…Tonight’s pizzas. Plain cheese for the kiddo. Plant-based sausage, garlic & pepper for the adults. I also tried for garlic knots but many of them were set aflame. Photos next time when they’re not mostly made from carbon.
Read: Staff Engineer: This is the best description of Staff+ roles I’ve ever seen. Featuring interviews from a ton of active staff-level developers, it’s an incredible look into a role that’s often unclearly and poorly defined. 5/5 📚
I was on Amazon looking for a replacement crisper bucket for my fridge. I did not find one.
But, some of these before and after photos are amazing.
Who stores their eggs in a pile at the bottom of a fridge?
There is no way that the food on the left is the same as the food on the right. Someone has clearly become a healthier eater.
The secret to keeping your fridge tidy is to throw out half of what’s in it. (There might be some truth in this one.)
Continue Reading…Bird show at Mont-Tremblant.
Glass needs more cat pictures.
Free business idea: Insurance for your kids visiting your in-laws. Oh, did they pull too hard on the blinds? Did they break the couch? No problem.
There’s evidence that the strongest core value my son is going to have as he matures is: No Spoilers.
I’m on vacation this week and so I baked the first loves in a long time. I still sort of remember how to do it. But whatever customizations I had made I’ve totally forgotten. 🥖
Things you never think you’ll hear as a parent: “We’re still working on the rib cage, but it’s close.”
While getting my second shot, I discovered that the brand name for the Pfizer vaccine is Comirnaty. This is a terrible name. Supposidly it “represents a combination of the terms COVID‑19, mRNA, community, and immunity”. Moderna’s is Spikevax. Way cooler.
Finally caved and bought a Moonlander keyboard for my RSI. Delivery in a month or so, and then probably a month of practice after that to be comfortable. I’ll post the layout I settle on back here when I’ve figured it out.
Today my son asked me to get him a toy Titanic. “Complete with an iceberg and the life boats!”
I’m really hoping no one makes this. 🤦
Apple’s testing tools have improved a lot, and I’m looking forward to XCode Cloud. But, the lack of mocks for base apis like StoreKit, HealthKit, or CloudKit really make testing more difficult than it should be.
“Daddy. Why have we never celebrated Shark Week?”
I booked a bike fitting for Monday for my new bike. In the description it says: “Athlete’s interview of current physical condition”. So, I have two days to become an athlete, and I had McDonalds for dinner. Wish me luck.
I’m in a beta for a popular app. It’s shocking how much of the feedback from people completely ignore the fact that it’s a beta. Every day in the Slack someone says “Wow, with how buggy this is, I’m never going to use this app again.” Like… yeah, it’s a beta. That’s the point.
Vim support in XCode is the best thing to come out of WWDC this year.
Kid or Dog: “Toby! Stop eating the furniture!”
Seeing XCode Cloud at WWDC really makes me think I should have better tests for Lemur. I feel like SwiftUI would make testing a lot easier.
It’s been 31 years since Captain Planet and the Planeteers was on TV. It was somewhat influential to my upbringing. My childhood self had awareness that the planet could use some help and there was actually something people could do about it.
Now that I have a kiddo of my own, I’m wondering what it would be like if you revamped this for today. Some rough thoughts in no particular order:
As companies get big they get slower and harder to turn. I love this exchange from Steve and Bertrand. It’s proof that even in a huge company you can still make fast, meaningful, and decisive decisions. It’s also such a well written email.
“On Wednesday, CNBC reported that Trump’s blog has shut down less than a month after its launch.”
Only a month? I’m curious what he didn’t like about it vs. Twitter. I bet he thrives on likes and wasn’t getting the dopamine hit.