From the Couch of Ben Johnson

Father, Principal Engineer at Prodigy Education, serial hyperbolist.

Pesto, mozzarella, basil. 48 hour proof. I’m getting better at getting the pizzas off the peel.

Back into the bread making spirit. 14 hour poolish. The one in the Dutch oven got a little toasty.

My son’s writing and reading has devolved since COVID, but he can now swing on a swing set on his own, so that’s some progress?

Looks nice, tastes terrible. Added 1/3 of the whole wheat flour and it’s got an unpleasant cardboard aftertaste. Giving up on the flour.

First attempt with the pizza steel. Good results, decent leoparding on the bottom, but the dough was way too high hydration. Very hard to work with. Mushroom, onion, and fior di latte.

I’m moving into pizza territory.

Might as well document the failures too. This was from a poolish made with 1847 bread flour. I didn’t get the folds right, and I think my hydration was way off. Tasted like cardboard. I bet 1847 flour is amazing in the hands of a great baker, but I’m not there yet.

By far the best result yet. Overnight poolish.

Now we’re talking. Just plain AP flour “Saturday Loaf”.

First attempt at pure flour with kneading. Worked ok, but this is underbaked. Tin foil impeded the rise.

Half whole wheat. No knead overnight. This one stuck.

First COVID loaf. No knead, overnight.

Made my first COVID bread. It’s going to need some debugging.

After warning my four-year-old to not touch anything while we’re outside: “I touched the wall. Are we still normal people?”

I wish there was a way to filter Dribbble shots to actual production work. Too much of what’s there is just visual design, trends, and “explorations” and not actual Design.

“I am Dark Vader and I will attack you evil Stormtrooper with my LifeSaver.” Must… not… show… 4 year old… Star Wars… must not…

New Years is a tough concept to explain to a 4-year-old with a tenuous understanding of time and space. “We’re on this planet, and it’s flying through space in a circle around the sun and it’s like a milestone… and a milestone is… uh… yeah, Batman is cool.”

Christmas is the perfect time to make new Shortcuts. 👨‍💻🌲❄️

Well, that seems like an abuse of your platform…

“That little birdy is like so extra.” He’s freaking 4 and he’s already a millennial.

TDD: Tea Driven Development. The tests should be finished running in the time it takes to sip from a mug of tea.

“It looks like baby mush, but it tastes really good!” — My wife complimenting my cooking.

You could replace the goose with my child and nothing about the game would need to change. Even the honking.

Can’t wait for the Apple Watch to notify me when my child is causing irreversible damage to my hearing.

“No Daddy! You can’t build the rocket! You’re bad at building things like IKEA and it will explode!”