From the Couch of Ben Johnson

Father, Principal Engineer at Prodigy Education, serial hyperbolist.

✴ Lemur Development Diary

Some of my favourite programming writing is Brent Simmons’ Vesper Sync Diary. Brent does an amazing job of describing the challenges encountered while implementing sync: one of the hardest things in programming to do well. Sync is often talked about in the abstract, but Brent discusses the specific tradeoffs of various solutions in concrete examples for the late notes app Vesper. The sync diary made a huge difference to the way I think about programming and writing about programming. I’m going to experiment with doing something similar.

For the last four years, I’ve been working on a little…

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Any bike trainer suggestions from the folks in 🚴‍♂️? Looking for something simple to ride this winter.

This milk products flowchart is insane. It’s so easy to forget how much spiders out from simple dairy.

Milk Products Flowchart

Andy Matuschak’s open notes are an incredible look inside an active Zettlekasten. His notes on notetaking are great, and comes from real practice instead of hype.

✴ COVID via Aerosols

From a compelling article by Professor of Chemisry Jose-Luis Jimenez on the argument that COVID is transmitted via aerosols:

The visual analogy of smoke can help guide our risk assessment and risk reduction strategies. One just has to imagine that others they encounter are all smoking, and the goal is to breathe as little smoke as possible.

When I’m in uncomfortably close proximity, I naturally hold my breath. It’s nice to know that’s not entirely insane.

I propose the following: Avoid Crowding, Indoors, low Ventilation, Close proximity, long Duration, Unmasked, Talking/singing/Yelling (“A…

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I’m curious as to what the betting markets look like right about now…

✴ Quickly Create Email Rules

I’m trying to get better at setting up email rules. If you’re not going to use Hey or something like it, you have to do some work yourself to not be buried.

I recently discovered that both Fastmail (which I use for personal) and GMail (which I use for work) support a flow to quickly create a rule from an example email.

In Fastmail, this option is “Add Rule from Message” in the hamburger menu:

This then pre-fills the sender and the subject:

GMail has the same option as “Filter messages like these”.

If you get into the flow of doing this regularly, this can quickly help get recurring and…

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I’ve been underestimating the value of journaling for work. There’s a space between the todo tracker and the end result where the work gets done. Thinking about that middle piece as an artifact to be produced seems to make explicit what was implicit or only in my head.

It clarifies the timeline of this thing when the sign at the park isn’t temporary.

I’m having trouble sleeping. I bet it’s because this new UI is terrible. iOS 14 emphasizes the icons over the text, but the icons are basically indistinguishable.

Having trouble reconciling my memory of the underdog Apple, whose only ambition was to make and sell amazing products, with the huge Apple today that competes in every industry. The incentives from being everything to everyone are going to affect the quality of their platforms.

✴ From Kindle to Bear

I was looking for an easy way to import my Kindle highlights into Bear, as I’ve been using Bear as my knowledge management system (Zettelkasten). I want to be able to put my highlights in the same place as the notes for the books I read.

Two things made this really easy:

  1. Bookcision is this amazing bookmarklet that can take the Kindle highlights from Amazon’s highlights page ( and dump it into a text file, or XML, or JSON so you can save it. This is good in case the Kindle site ever goes away, and it gives us a document we can work with. No matter where you’re putting your…

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Reason my 4-year-old is furious with me: I won’t buy him a huge live-in camping trailer for our car.

This post on Apple vs. XBox Game Pass is fantastic. Gruber has been crushing it recently. Between Dithering and writing like this, he’s on a tear. (Don’t miss the footnotes.)

Acorn is an incredible image editor for the cost. My version of Photoshop no longer works with 64-bit, and so I switched to Acorn. Keyboard shortcuts are almost exactly the same. Amazing.

Reading this article I can’t help but think of a preschooler who desperately needs a time-out.

Mr. Trump is facing about as dire a run-up to a presidential election as any incumbent could imagine: the worst quarter in the economy on record, an unceasing health crisis, protests nationwide and a country paralyzed by the lack of a financial recovery plan with no solution in sight — all compounded by his own inability to curtail his behavior.

Sometimes 4-year-olds find curtailing their behaviour challenging.

Aides have described him as pained by the widespread rejection he is seeing in public…

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Pesto, Mozzarella, Romano in the Roccbox. Starting to see some progress with the extreme heat.

When I imagined being a parent, I never expected that one day my search history would contain “My son has started to speak like the Hulk”.

How has no one rebooted Captain Planet yet?

Was woken up in the night by the kiddo while I was in the middle of a dream about updating the firmware on my Bluetooth headphones. Thrilling.

Finished a whole 20kg bag of flour. Never thought it would happen, but much bread and pizza was enjoyed.

A reminder to all those trying something new: give yourself permission to suck at first. In unrelated news, my first baguette:

For all the complaints about Apple’s current software quality, Keynote on the iPad is a work of art (especially with the pencil).

Guilherme Rambo wrote the definitive guide to CloudKit. If only Apple’s own docs were this good.