From the Couch of Ben Johnson

Father, Principal Engineer at Prodigy Education, serial hyperbolist.

I can’t believe it took me this long to realize that has an API. Adding highlights from everything via Shortcuts is now possible.

I never realized how often I use the mac proxy icons until Big Sur. I generally like the update, but I bump on the hidden proxy icon every time.

✴ Goodbye, Nest

The iPhone revolutionized more than just phones. When Tony Fadell first started taking about Nest, his startup that would take the battery and processor innovations from the iPhone and put it in something as boring as a thermostat, it was a revelation.

Nest had an incredible early run. With an extremely small team (less than 130 people) Fadell essentially created the smart home industry. The original Nest had Apple’s insane focus on out of the box experience, app design, and delight applied to a device that hadn’t changed in decades. It meaningfully improved user experience and the…

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This is how I feel today.

I bought enough school supplies on Amazon in the last few days that it’s trying to upsell me to Amazon Business.

Ok fine… I’ll install it so I can read this article… and the link still doesn’t work. This is the worst of Apple’s services push. If you’re going to build services at least make them good.

Apple should be ashamed of this experience. AMP is garbage but at least it includes a link to the original article. If you’re going to break links at least do something for those not on Apple devices.

It turns out that my son legit believes that boxers punch boxes. Like… 📦. I don’t really have the heart to explain it.

Spoke to a super nice contact tracer. This is definitely one of these jobs that doesn’t get paid enough or get enough appreciation.

With the theory that the rumoured Mac renaissance is due to the departure of Jony Ive, I wonder if we’ll see a mouse that you can charge while using it. Asking for a friend.

This really resonates with how I think about Lemur: My product is my garden

I figured I should cut my son’s hair before he goes back to school. Now he’s ready to impress his kindergarten friends by looking exactly like a Romulan.

I love Carrot Weather so much.

My five-year-old and I spent the whole day making an Among Us cake. Nailed it. (I’m sticking to bread and pizza.)

The Besties has hands down the best podcast theme song. (Great video game podcast if you’re into that kind of thing).

God I miss Survivor

Lemur also fits well into Reid Hoffman’s famous quote: “If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.” There’s a lot in Lemur that I’m going to keep iterating on over the next year. But you’ve got to start somewhere.

Happy New Year Everyone! In honour of starting a fresh year right, Lemur, my little app for meal planning is now on the iOS App Store. I’ve been working on this idea for ~4 years and it’s a labour of love. If you plan your meals, I think you might enjoy it.

2021 will be the year where all the React devs discover that server rendering has all the advantages that it has had all along.

My son is attempting to tell me how Santa became Santa and there is a disturbing undercurrent of Elf slavery in this story.

“Congress enacted 28 pieces of legislation this year.

That is bananas. Is it even worth having a legislature if they don’t legislate? It might be time for… Kanban? Or to fire everyone? The cost per bill is insane.

Overheard from the 5-year-old: “Oh Batman… you’re so beautiful.”

Right before he falls asleep, my 5-year-old likes to process his thoughts from the day. It often inevitably becomes the preschooler version of AITA. “John took my toy and I took it back. Did I do the right thing?”

Turns out googling for a library to do app tutorials in swift is functionally impossible. “Swift… tutorial… library”

Feels like all this love for Among Us is going to make some new Survivor fans.