From the Couch of Ben Johnson

Father, Principal Engineer at Prodigy Education, serial hyperbolist.

Dokku is a great solution to hosting a bunch of low-traffic internal or hobby sites. It’s functionally private Heroku or git-managed Docker. Great developer experience: git push dokku and it’s deployed.

Never mind that Yarn is faster, leveraging the power of emoji makes it feel faster. 🏎💨

I really don’t like it when someone casually says that something is a “solved problem”. It conflates a binary fact with a claim about difficulty. Just because there are known solutions to a problem doesn’t mean they are trivial to implement for your business or product.

Sorry kids, Santa has a strict “no presents until the first coffee has been consumed” policy.

Perfect holiday snowfall.

There’s been a bunch of discussion about Mark Gurman’s article on Apple working on a single user experience for iOS and Mac apps. We’re not entirely sure what Apple intends here, which is leading to a lot of concerned speculation. One take (summarized well in John Gruber’s article on the subject) is that this will cause developers to port their iOS apps directly to the Mac, resulting in a mass influx of poorly designed Mac apps. “Write once, run everywhere” has never gone well.

I’d like to propose a possible middle ground suggested by React Native:

It’s worth noting that we’re not…

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Pillow firmness and material should be an option at most hotels. It makes a huge difference to the quality of the experience.

The way my 2017 CR-V is handing driver assist in winter conditions is making me much more conservative about the timelines for fully self-driving cars. It’s not a big deal if cruise control doesn’t work when in a snowstorm. But, it’s different if your car can’t drive at all.

BundlePhobia is an incredibly good site for finding the cost of adding an npm package to a frontend. I’ve known about this for like 3 days and have used it countless times.

For all their talk about Lean, it’s pretty clear that the service people at this Honda do not practice any recognizable form of Agile.

Nothing makes me feel older than the speed at which my kid bounces back from a flu. He goes from absolute dying to his normal self in like two days. I’ll get it now and it’ll take me weeks to recover.

I appreciate the horror of the Trump Administration banning words. But if we’re going to cross that line, why can’t “cyber” be on the list.

I really wish Node had an ORM as robust and battle-tested as SQLAlchemy or ActiveRecord. has suddenly become a dangerous place for spoilers given the lack of mute filters. Feels like the old days before you could mute.

It seems to me like limiting net neutrality rules is going to backfire on the telcos as tech companies decide it’s cheaper to get into the ISP business versus paying for access (see: Google Fiber). This will disadvantage rural communities though.

The Harry’s Face Wash is surprisingly amazing. Exfoliating, not horrific for the environment, feels good, and you don’t need a lot. 4.5/5 ⭐️

Opening the emoji panel made Airpods stop working, so everything with software is totally fine. Also, I checked in the console, and I’m not 100% sure, but I think Month 13 might be out of bounds. 🐶🔥

As a proud Canadian, I firmly believe that winter tires should be tax deductible.

We’ve had an Echo for three days and my two-year-old already talks to her like she’s part of the family:

Me: “Time to go to bed. Alexa, turn off the lights.”
Toddler: “No! Alexa, stop please!”

There’s probably a lesson somewhere in here about the future of interfaces.

Scaling Slack’s Job Queue: Excellent write-up on migrating a gigantic job queue to new infrastructure. It’s interesting to see that many design challenges they have I’ve also experienced on much smaller projects.

One of the best things about React is that good React comes from designing high quality data structures. This focus makes programmers better.

Adventures in parenting: can I put encyclopedic knowledge of Paw Patrol on my resume?

I’m not normally against hybrid apps (all things in moderation) but the Amazon Alexa app is not a good one. Feels like it doesn’t belong on any platform.

I really wish Create React App had better support for importing and sharing components between apps. Seems like a crazy reason to have to eject or roll your own.

Apple software quality at work.