From the Couch of Ben Johnson

Father, Principal Engineer at Prodigy Education, serial hyperbolist.

YouTube Family: Like YouTube Premium but the ads are replaced with messages from your parents.

Who needs a weighted blanket when you have a cat?

A few hours into our trip to America and we’ve discovered that Kraft Mac and Cheese™ is incredibly not the same as Kraft Dinner™.

Brexit is basically a troubled monolith-to-microservices transition.

Why eat normal Bananas like a peasant when you can have Limited Edition Captain Marvel Bananas™.

Why my mother decided to get my child an electronic toy megaphone is beyond me. “I just don’t think the kid is loud enough.” 🤦‍♂️ 📢 👶

My child has discovered that he can filibuster his way out of going to school.

My son is trying to convince me that there’s a universal rule that we should always have chocolate for breakfast. “It’s a rule!” I’m tempted to agree.

Pups Take Mayor Humdinger to The Hague #pawpatrolseason20

Pups Save Taco Tuesday #pawpatrolseason20

Really surprised the Rails default is still Coffeescript.

Disappointed that the new ScanSnap 64-bit software doesn’t support my S1300. It is a 7 year old scanner, but it’s sad that perfectly good hardware is now a brick. Not buying another Fujitsu.

Thirteen years since it was released and Why’s Poignant Guide is still the best programming book I’ve ever read.

“Look Daddy! It comes apart!” Holds up now broken thing.

Dark Reader is so much more impressive than I would have thought.

I’m convinced my child believes that Siri and Alexa are in cahoots to control the weather.

“Some things are really obvious, but most issues are pretty complicated, and to be self righteous and believe that you know the answer does an injustice to the issue.” — Christine Hallquist

Never thought I’d see the day when a American politician would talk about nuance.

Process for giving a pill to my cat: 1) place pill on counter, 2) sterilize hands, 3) split pill pocket lengthwise, 4) scoop pill in without touching it, 5) rub outside of pocket with Tostitos® Scoops!®, 6) place carefully in front of cat but DO NOT LOOK AT HER, 7) hold breath

“Before her husband vanished on a trip to China, he had sent her a phone message with an emoticon of a knife.”

Meng Hongwai scrolls through the Apple Emoji picker fervently searching for the knife emoji. He finds it, but not before it’s too late.

We need a escape room for toddlers. They should have to build a key with LEGO to open the lock to the chest with the Goldfish crackers. “With these Goldfish crackers we will secure our freedom.” Parents can wait outside on their phones while their children try to escape.

Just a regular breakfast-time conversation with my three-year-old about the downsides of capitalism and consolidated wealth.

When using my bank’s website, nothing makes me feel more secure than when I see “cgi-bin” in the URL.

I’m sorry sir, but our engineers have been in the lab nights and weekends for the last month. We’ve tried everything. 81% is simply the best we can do.

Climate change is basically poorly managed tech debt.

Today a grocery store employee demoed to me the amazing new automated checkout lane that will eventually take her job. Truly an impressive use of machine learning, but also somewhat sad.