From the Couch of Ben Johnson

Father, Principal Engineer at Prodigy Education, serial hyperbolist.

“I am Dark Vader and I will attack you evil Stormtrooper with my LifeSaver.” Must… not… show… 4 year old… Star Wars… must not…

New Years is a tough concept to explain to a 4-year-old with a tenuous understanding of time and space. “We’re on this planet, and it’s flying through space in a circle around the sun and it’s like a milestone… and a milestone is… uh… yeah, Batman is cool.”

Christmas is the perfect time to make new Shortcuts. 👨‍💻🌲❄️

Well, that seems like an abuse of your platform…

“That little birdy is like so extra.” He’s freaking 4 and he’s already a millennial.

TDD: Tea Driven Development. The tests should be finished running in the time it takes to sip from a mug of tea.

“It looks like baby mush, but it tastes really good!” — My wife complimenting my cooking.

You could replace the goose with my child and nothing about the game would need to change. Even the honking.

Can’t wait for the Apple Watch to notify me when my child is causing irreversible damage to my hearing.

“No Daddy! You can’t build the rocket! You’re bad at building things like IKEA and it will explode!”

Feedbin and Fiery Feeds is a killer combo. RSS, email newsletters, Twitter, and Read Later all in one place.

Goldfish are basically the pugs of fish.

How to know if your child may have watched too much Peppa Pig:

Me: “We might even see some cows.”
Child: “Oh yes. Cows are very cheeky.”

It’s refreshing how good Go’s standard library is. After getting used to JavaScript, and deeply missing the stdlib from Python and Ruby, it’s nice to be able to read a CSV without installing a bunch of packages.

My almost-four-year-old: “Daddy! I want to watch the YouToots Video.”

Pumpkin Spice Latte in August is totally cheating. It’s still summer!

It’s 2019. Why can’t I buy washer fluid at the pump?

If you ever want to see in example of Radical Candour go to a playground. Well, maybe that’s just candour.

Introducing the Ben Mari Three Dimensional Folding Method™. Step 1: pick up shirt, Step 2: roll into ball, Step 3: deposit forcefully but gracefully in bag.

Well, someone is definitely going to need to build Prettier for SwiftUI…

SwiftUI is a fantastic implementation of ideas from React. The mark of success is that the feedback loop is totally fast enough to do design in code.

It’s 4am and the kid isn’t sleeping. When we ask why, he says that what he really wants is to shave the cat.

Trying to explain to my kid why Jello doesn’t start with a G really makes it obvious how dumb English is sometimes.

Popcorn is totally an acceptable side dish right? If chips is definitionally a side dish, it must follow that popcorn is…

Me: “I missed you so much!” Three-year-old: “I missed these candies.”