From the Couch of Ben Johnson

Father, Principal Engineer at Prodigy Education, serial hyperbolist.

My five-year-old and I spent the whole day making an Among Us cake. Nailed it. (I’m sticking to bread and pizza.)

Overheard from the 5-year-old: “Oh Batman… you’re so beautiful.”

Right before he falls asleep, my 5-year-old likes to process his thoughts from the day. It often inevitably becomes the preschooler version of AITA. “John took my toy and I took it back. Did I do the right thing?”

Birthday pizzas for my new 5-year-old. Pepperoni. Potato/Shallot. Pesto/Tomato. The kiddo ate plain cheese…

Someone needs to write a version of Crucial Conversations for discussions with a 5-year-old.

“I’m looking forward to a vaccine for COVID because then I can have a lollipop.” My 5-year-old’s goals for post-COVID.

My 4-year-old: “What do you mean you fix computers for work? That’s easy, you just turn them off and turn them back on again.”

Reason my 4-year-old is furious with me: I won’t buy him a huge live-in camping trailer for our car.

Was woken up in the night by the kiddo while I was in the middle of a dream about updating the firmware on my Bluetooth headphones. Thrilling.

The difference 15 minutes makes. I pulled the one on the left early because my kiddo and I had to leave for our hike. They’re both the same dough. White with a poolish. 🍞

After warning my four-year-old to not touch anything while we’re outside: “I touched the wall. Are we still normal people?”

New Years is a tough concept to explain to a 4-year-old with a tenuous understanding of time and space. “We’re on this planet, and it’s flying through space in a circle around the sun and it’s like a milestone… and a milestone is… uh… yeah, Batman is cool.”

My almost-four-year-old: “Daddy! I want to watch the YouToots Video.”

Me: “I missed you so much!” Three-year-old: “I missed these candies.”

Just a regular breakfast-time conversation with my three-year-old about the downsides of capitalism and consolidated wealth.

Me: “Do you know what they’re building?” Two-year-old: “THEY’RE BUILDING A CONE!”

Me: “Are there any cars coming?”
Two-year-old: “No.”
Me: “Did you look?”
Two-year-old: “No.”

Paw Patrol is fundamentally libertarian. An incompetent mayor of a town seemingly without any social services relies entirely on an orphaned ten-year-old and his dogs to save everyone from themselves. At least they’re well funded.

Took the boy to the Toronto Boat Show today. After sitting in the speedboats, it was all he was interested in. Nice to know he’s got good taste for a two-year-old. 😜

Yesterday, we used the Instant Pot to make eggs for breakfast, hot dogs for the kiddo for lunch, and risotto for dinner. At this point you could probably replace our range.

We’ve had an Echo for three days and my two-year-old already talks to her like she’s part of the family:

Me: “Time to go to bed. Alexa, turn off the lights.”
Toddler: “No! Alexa, stop please!”

There’s probably a lesson somewhere in here about the future of interfaces.