From the Couch of Ben Johnson

Father, Principal Engineer at Prodigy Education, serial hyperbolist.

How do all these kids shows only have a single female character. And, of course, they’re entirely clothed in pink. Does no one comment on this during development?

🎙 Sometimes it’s nice to listen to a relaxing podcast. I’m really enjoying The Incomparable’s Low Definition. It’s a bunch of friends hanging around playing a wackier version of Balderdash.

Excited to see that is a supporter of Emoji Driven Development. Screw the blockchain, I’m a firm believer that all product designs should start from a place of: “How do we get more emoji in here?”

Having a dream about my inability to sleep.

✴ Ramp Up and Interruptions

RescueTime suggests that peak programmer hours are on average between 2pm and 6pm. This aligns with my experience that we need a solid ramp up period before being productive developers.

Once programmers have gotten going, interruptions are incredibly destructive to the tune of at least 15 minutes to ramp back up depending on memory load.

The ramp up period is so important and the cost of interruptions are so high that it’s important to find ways to defend your uninterrupted time. Book periods of work on your calendar, put up Do Not Distrub signs, get out of the office, etc.

It’s also really…

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Yesterday, we used the Instant Pot to make eggs for breakfast, hot dogs for the kiddo for lunch, and risotto for dinner. At this point you could probably replace our range.

Given that it was Google that discovered Meltdown and Spectre, and hardware vendors were notified on June 1, 2017, I would have expected that the software companies would have been notified early and would have been prepared with patches (or have already shipped them).

I just noticed that the sleep sack I’ve been putting my kid in for a year has a giant warning label that says: “KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE”. I get that fire is bad, but this does not inspire confidence.

I really like this Manager’s FAQ by Henry Ward. It is overly simplistic in some places, but it’s a good starting point to think about some common manager topics.

It’s fascinating that Amazon has such a inconsistent visual style. They obviously have a legion of UX professionals, but large parts of the website and apps feel under-designed. Seems to be working for them though.

I’m really enjoying only being able to edit CSS on hosted sites. Eventually I’m sure we’ll get more power, but for the moment it feels like the CSS Zen Garden all over again (but with Typekit 😛).

The magic of the Instant Pot isn’t that it’s faster. It’s that all the recipes are hands off once you reach the pressure stage.

No, I don’t think you understand Daddy. I requested ice cream for breakfast. If ice cream is unavailable, cake is an appropriate substitute.

Still waiting for Jerry O’Connell’s big comeback.

It’s really important to read the privacy policies of these new email clients. Many of their business models are based on taking an entire copy of your emails and using what they discover about you to make money from advertisers and other 3rd parties.

Dokku is a great solution to hosting a bunch of low-traffic internal or hobby sites. It’s functionally private Heroku or git-managed Docker. Great developer experience: git push dokku and it’s deployed.

Never mind that Yarn is faster, leveraging the power of emoji makes it feel faster. 🏎💨

I really don’t like it when someone casually says that something is a “solved problem”. It conflates a binary fact with a claim about difficulty. Just because there are known solutions to a problem doesn’t mean they are trivial to implement for your business or product.

Sorry kids, Santa has a strict “no presents until the first coffee has been consumed” policy.

Perfect holiday snowfall.

There’s been a bunch of discussion about Mark Gurman’s article on Apple working on a single user experience for iOS and Mac apps. We’re not entirely sure what Apple intends here, which is leading to a lot of concerned speculation. One take (summarized well in John Gruber’s article on the subject) is that this will cause developers to port their iOS apps directly to the Mac, resulting in a mass influx of poorly designed Mac apps. “Write once, run everywhere” has never gone well.

I’d like to propose a possible middle ground suggested by React Native:

It’s worth noting that we’re not…

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Pillow firmness and material should be an option at most hotels. It makes a huge difference to the quality of the experience.

The way my 2017 CR-V is handing driver assist in winter conditions is making me much more conservative about the timelines for fully self-driving cars. It’s not a big deal if cruise control doesn’t work when in a snowstorm. But, it’s different if your car can’t drive at all.

BundlePhobia is an incredibly good site for finding the cost of adding an npm package to a frontend. I’ve known about this for like 3 days and have used it countless times.

For all their talk about Lean, it’s pretty clear that the service people at this Honda do not practice any recognizable form of Agile.