I managed to get my hosted micro.blog backed by a CloudFront CDN (with some hacky use of Hugo’s replace
function). Next step: something to resize these enormous images.
I managed to get my hosted micro.blog backed by a CloudFront CDN (with some hacky use of Hugo’s replace
function). Next step: something to resize these enormous images.
Are you willing to share a write up of how you accomplished this?
As an aside, your blog theme is just stellar! Did you build that from scratch, or customize one of the base ones?
@pimoore Yeah! If you think it would be useful, I can totally do that. Theme is custom and started from the Micro.blog blank template.
That would be extremely useful, and maybe even something to post up in the help Discourse too. 🙏 By the way, if you’re ever willing to share that theme I’m sure Manton wouldn’t say no to having more.
// @manton